Bsc 5th sem maths-2 all units notes

Bsc 5th sem maths-2 all units notes


Unit -1       VECTOR ALGEBRA:

Multiple Product - Scalar triple product,
Vector triple Product, Geometrical interpretations . 
related Problems: vector function of a Scalar Variable
interpretation as a space curve; derivative, tangent
normal and binormal vectors to a space curve;
curvature and Torsion of a space curve; - definitions,
derivation and Problems, Servlet Frenet formulae.
Scalar field: Gradient of a scalar field, Geometrical
meaning, directional derivative, unit normal using
Surfaces, - tangents plane and normal to the surface;
vector field . divergence and curl of a vector field,
geometrical meaning, solenoidal, and irrotational field ;
Laplacian of a scalar field; vector identities.


Definition and Basic Properties,
Vector line integral, surface integral and volume
integral; Green's theorem in the plane - Proof and
Related Problems, Direct consequences of the theorem;
Gauss Divergence theorem - Proof and Related Problems,
Direct consequences of the theorem; Stoke's
theorem - Proof and Related Problems, Direct Consequences of the theorem.


Planes, Straight lines and Spheres planes: Distance 
of a point from plane, Angle between two planes
Pair of planes, Bisectors of angle between two planes; 
Straight lines: Equation of Straight lines,
Distance of a point from a straight line, Distance
between two straight lines, Distance between a straight line and a plane:
Spheres: Different forms, intersection of two Sphere. 
orthogonal intersection, Tangents and normal
Radical plane, Radical lino, coaxial System of
Spheres, pole, polar and conjugancy

Unit -4 

Locus, Surfaces, Curves and Conicoid Space
outves, Algebraic curves, Ruted surfaces; Some
Standard Surfaces, classification of quadratic
Surfaces; cone ,, cylinder, central concords
Tangent plane, Normal, polar planes and polar

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