The united nation sustainable course  show all over away at they are 17 sustainable development course . Which the whole world had the grate to the achieve by 2030 one of the gels roll. number 5 reapers to gender equality a powering 01 girls .


    we are know taking about the why gender equality?. what is gender equality .as we understand very common language. gender equality means "The both men and women enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sector of society, " The large number of women's was proved but minority recently the first women friministor at the age of 34 in Finland .


    with all power women cabinmate minister's what is it, that's India was 2% / 4% . at the political level 98%to 94% of all men and result of India rank gender inequality index - 52 and gender gap index - 108th / 144 conveys the stand to day female to make sex ratio is 932/1000 actually girl grow child in to human being . and 0-30 age men are more but 30-60 human are more which mins the biologically women also prier but they are not alove to savories this man made disaster this mins a man and women can together rectify disaster so to improve the problems we  have 21% of children's  are marry before the age. we find that women's are not aviary of family planning method only 51% are awaiting but our target is all 100% of women's should be known what there rights for reproductive health.


    when you look at in pent motility rate , metal and motility rate , we find that so many women's are died by delivery so many children's are died even after delivery of the after birth, what is the main reason for that , man nutrient is the main reason. right for birth the girls are not getting enough treat , not getting enough nutrient and in this generation of cycle of man nutrient so an unhealthy child an unhealthy mother again and unhealthy child an unhealthy society what we need to do we see that the small girls are also being rapid they are being sexually apposed . 

    when they come to labor market they get 30% of less then men.

    and education are also30% of women are in it industry only 28.8% of women's have technical education theta are drop out in the it field, offering in the technical education they are not there , what to you do! . We need to have special policy and programs to and shore that come up in various fields government has molded  not only global genda  by making this united nation sustain development coerce. but it is also an a genda of the country.


     create the acts atliest 10 acts are create growing females , females will be decided as you know, dowry diets you know the trapicking and so-on .

    we have several acts  SURAKSHA ACTS as an popular. we have helplines so any women's are interested is an any kind of problems is provided a free helpline, she can talk to them. She can consult , she can medical help , she can all the facility they can provided that called SANTVANA KENDRA , SODAR KENDRA , where they are free of cast.

    attitudinal change is most important the partnership, the positive discrimination. I would like to share with you some of the programs of Gov of Karnataka or Gov of India where gender equality. we have certain scams or programs where in 
    "hot meals Schemes "for pregnant women and "ambulance scheme" "104" number ,we provided ASHAS , ashes are social halt workers  , every village in the supper females because women's douse suffer . 

    the "TAYI CARD " it pregnant all her medical care is taken care of bye the government any thing for that including taking to the ambulance , delivery cases , doctor Etc.. 

    "BAGYA LAKSHMI" is a very brilliant   scheme in the government of Karnataka where girl child at birth its given 1 lakh bond by LIC up to the age of 18th only she study the not get marriage up to the 18th age she get cash maturely.

    similarly " BATI BADAVOO, BATI PADAVOO ABHIYAN "  is a National scam and its benefits 40/60 ratio boys being girls within 2 years of newly marriage men and women for we found 60%  of girls are bond and 40% of boys bond it is natural.

    " UDAN SCEEM " it is provided up to degree and hostel facility provided in women. and other economical seems also 

    Ex:- Sex workers & HIV- ADES epective women's they are given 50,000 Rupees starts to sceem so that only Independent they can lead the life if dignity . 

    we have other sceems of women particular in Karnataka and PM Narendra  Modi was started "UJWALA YOJANA" but more Important the "GAS CYLINDER " it is the dignity that's talk about.

    " Finally gentlemen be gentle . girls is not girly  to be kind human , soft , supported, and it is not mature to be a ropiest , lets change the our attitude let achieve this gale of gender  equality by 2030 " .


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